勾芍人博士(Dr. Shaoren Gou)毕业于四川广播电视大学新闻学专业,1994年赴英国留学10年。他于1997年获曼彻斯特大学教育和大众媒体硕士学位(M.Ed. in Education & the Mass Media, University of Manchester),2004年获莱斯特大学大众传播学(比较政治传播)博士学位(Ph.D. in Mass Communication, University of Leicester)。他的主要研究范围为中西方政治传播之比较、媒体和国家利益、媒体的教育功能,而媒体的经营与管理亦是他的主要实践。其它兴趣还包括:政府和社会控制、社会正义、世界和平、未来学。
勾芍人先生18岁开始发表小说、散文、诗歌等文学作品,散见《攀枝花文学》、《凉山文学》、《四川工人日报》、《四川青年报》、《四川日报》、《大西南文学》、《雨花》、《红岩》、《银河系》、《幸福》、《光明日报》、《中国青年报》、《赤道风》(新加坡)、《丝语时报 》(英国)等报刊,《这里充满爱情》、《太阳城的雕像》、《工源诗歌选》、《最佳诗人和诗歌选》(美国)等各种文学作品集。出版有诗集《裂谷之恋》(与人合著 ,1988,国际文化出版公司,北京),诗歌、散文集《万水千山》(1994,获益出版事业有限公司,香港)。他21岁开始从事新闻工作,22岁担任副刊编辑,为中国当时最年轻的日报编辑之一。先后在四川《攀枝花日报》、《海南特区报》、《特区时报》、《中国和世界》杂志(香港)等报刊任记者、责任编辑、副刊主编、总编助理、执行总编辑等职务。 新闻工作第二年开始采访“中国青少年棒球锦标赛”(吉林长春,1985)、“中国首届石棺葬学术研讨会”(云南永胜新石器时代考古现场发掘,1985)、“中国长江科学考察漂流探险”(云南、四川,1986)等全国性大型活动。
2017’全自然生活博览会(Whole Life Expo 2017)在多伦多会议中心圆满结束
勾芍人: 海外华文媒体的思考及我们应该写什么
查尔斯·帕切特(Charles Pachter): 加拿大当代艺术家系列1
勾芍人: 以大众传播学的批判精神质疑金融危机
勾芍人中英文诗歌选: 自然、城市和同性恋
阅 尽 人 生 无 数 风 景 的 思 索 录—- 序 勾 芍 人 《万水千山》
Dr. Shaoren Gou is the Editor-in-Chief of World Chinese Media and World Chinese Journalists. He is also the founder and general secretary of the World Association of Chinese Mass Media (WACMM), the International Federation of Chinese Journalists(IFCJ). He graduated from Sichuan Radio & Television University with a major in journalism. He also holds an M.Ed in Education & the Mass Media from the University of Manchester and a Ph.D. in Mass Communication from the University of Leicester in England.
Dr. Gou started publishing literary works such as novels, essays, and poems at the age of 18. His works have been published in various publications including newspapers and magazines in China and other countries such as Singapore, UK and the U.S. He has also published several collections of his works.
Dr. Gou started working as a journalist at the age of 21 and has held various positions including reporter, editor, and chief editor in different newspapers and magazines. He was one of the youngest daily newspaper editors in China at the time. He has participated in the coverage of several national and international events in China, and Canada. He has written extensively about international politics, the economy, the arts, culture, sports and society.
Dr. Gou is recognized as one of the first Chinese journalists to achieve financial independence in the early 1990s during China’s media marketization, which followed the country’s reform and opening up policies. With over 40 years of experience in journalism, publishing, media management and corporate brand strategy, he is a renowned journalist, writer, and highly respected figure in the worldwide Chinese media industry. His leadership and expertise have been instrumental in the development of WACMM and IFCJ, and its mission to uphold ethical standards in journalism such as accuracy, integrity, while promoting freedom of expression and information.
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