
游民拿仅剩20元助人 感恩节意外得到27万捐款

In this Nov. 17, 2017, photo, Johnny Bobbitt Jr., left, Kate McClure, right, and McClure’s boyfriend Mark D’Amico pose at a Citgo station in Philadelphia. When McClure ran out of gas, Bobbitt, who is homeless, gave his last $20 to buy gas for her. McClure started a Gofundme.com campaign for Bobbitt that has raised more than $13,000. (Elizabeth Robertson/The Philadelphia Inquirer via AP)

新泽西州女子凯特‧麦劳尔(Kate McClure)上月驾车前往探望朋友时,车子在费城95号州际公路汽油用尽抛锚,游民博比特用身上仅有的20元买油助她度过难关,麦劳尔发起募款帮助博比特,金额在感恩节当天突破27万元,给了博比特最大的感恩节喜悦。


纽约“每日新闻报”报导,27岁的麦劳尔上月驾车驶至费城时抛锚。她在路边看见一名男子,后来知道他名叫强尼‧博比特(Johnny Bobbitt),当她把汽车推到路边时,他好像知道她出了什么问题。






但她和男友达米科(Mark DAmico)想进一步帮助他,因此,他们在GoFundMe设立页面,目的是筹集1万元。



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